We don't share your personal data with anyone.
The small amount of information we collect about you and your website is only used to help us get your server connected to your solr search core.
We know you value your privacy. So do we.
What information does Midwestern Mac collect?
We only collect what we need to help you connected: your email address, name, and some basic information about the website where you want to use solr.
How does Midwestern Mac use this information?
We will send you emails pertaining to your account and connecting your website to your search core.
We will never contact you for any other reasons (besides notifications and account updates).
How does Midwestern Mac protect its users' information?
Midwestern Mac uses industry-standard best practices for storing user information. We apply patches (especially security patches) to our software and systems in a timely fashion, and we store sensitive data like user passwords in an irretrievable manner.